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(2003年9月26日宁波市第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议通过 2003年11月6日浙江省第十届人民代表大会常务委员会第六次会议批准 2003年11月24日宁波市人民代表大会常务委员会公告第8号公布)


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目 录

第一章 总 则
第二章 省人民代表大会会议
第三章 常务委员会会议及工作机构
第四章 省人民代表大会代表
第五章 附 则

第一章 总 则
第一条 为了保证省人民代表大会和它的常务委员会有效地进行工作,行使宪法和法律赋予的职权,根据中华人民共和国宪法及地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法,参照全国人民代表大会组织法,制定本简则。
第二条 省人民代表大会制定地方性法规的程序,由省人民代表大会常务委员会制定。

第二章 省人民代表大会会议
第三条 省人民代表大会的代表,由下一级人民代表大会选出。
第四条 省人民代表大会会议依法每年至少举行一次。
第五条 省人民代表大会会议由省人民代表大会常务委员会召集。
第六条 省人民代表大会常务委员会应当在省人民代表大会会议举行前一个月,将开会日期和建议大会讨论的主要事项通知代表。
第七条 省人民代表大会代表选出后,由省人民代表大会常务委员会代表资格审查委员会进行审查。
第八条 省人民代表大会代表按照州、市、地区和解放军组成代表团。各代表团分别推选代表团团长一人,副团长一至三人。
第九条 省人民代表大会会议由主席团主持。主席团推选常务主席若干人召集并主持主席团会议;推选若干人轮流担任全体会议执行主席。
第十条 省人民代表大会会议设秘书长一人,副秘书长若干人。秘书长领导会议秘书处工作;副秘书长协助秘书长工作。
第十一条 省人民代表大会会议设立议案审查委员会、计划预决算审查委员会和其他需要设立的委员会,在主席团领导下进行工作。
第十二条 省人民代表大会的预备会议,审议通过本次会议的议程和其他准备事项的决定。
第十三条 省人民政府的组成人员,省高级人民法院院长和省人民检察院检察长,列席省人民代表大会会议;其他有关机关、组织、团体的负责人,由省人民代表大会常务委员会提出,经主席团决定,可以列席省人民代表大会会议。
第十四条 省人民代表大会主席团、省人民代表大会常务委员会、省人民政府、省高级人民法院、省人民检察院,可以向省人民代表大会提出属于省人民代表大会职权范围内的议案,由主席团决定交各代表团审议,或者并交议案审查委员会审议、提出报告,再由主席团审议决定是否提
第十五条 一个代表团或者十名以上的代表,可以向省人民代表大会提出属于省人民代表大会职权范围内的议案,先由议案审查委员会审议、提出报告,再由主席团决定是否列入大会议程。
第十六条 向省人民代表大会提出的议案,在交付大会表决前,提案单位或者代表要求撤回的,对该议案的审议即行终止。
第十七条 省人民代表大会常务委员会主任、副主任、委员的人选,省长、副省长的人选,省高级人民法院院长及地区中级人民法院院长的人选,省人民检察院检察长及人民检察分院检察长的人选,由大会主席团提名,三名以上的代表也可联合提名,由主席团汇总交各代表团酝酿协商
第十八条 省人民代表大会选举出席全国人民代表大会代表时,主席团和三名以上代表都可以提出候选人。
第十九条 省人民代表大会两个以上的代表团或者十分之一以上的代表,可以提出对省人民代表大会常务委员会组成人员,省人民政府组成人员,省高级人民法院院长及地区中级人民法院院长,省人民检察院检察长及人民检察分院检察长,和由省人民代表大会选出的全国人民代表大会
第二十条 省人民代表大会会议期间,一个代表团或者十五名以上的代表,可以对省人民政府和所属各工作部门以及省高级人民法院、省人民检察院提出质询,由主席团决定交受质询机关在会议期间书面答复,或者由受质询机关的负责人在主席团会议或者有关代表团会议上口头答复。
第二十一条 省人民代表大会审议议案时,代表可以向省人民政府和所属各工作部门以及省高级人民法院、省人民检察院提出询问,由有关机关派人在代表小组或者代表团会议上进行说明。
第二十二条 提交全体会议审议通过的决议、决定草案,由大会主席团拟定。
第二十三条 省人民代表大会进行选举和通过决议、决定,以全体代表的过半数通过。
第二十四条 省人民代表大会代表在会议期间提出的对各方面工作的建议、意见,由大会秘书处或者常务委员会的办事机构交有关机关处理。承办机关在限定时间内负责答复代表,并报常务委员会备案。

第三章 常务委员会会议及工作机构
第二十五条 常务委员会会议由主任召集并主持,或者由主任委托副主任主持,每两个月至少举行一次。
第二十六条 常务委员会会议依照地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法规定的职权范围,确定会议议程。

第二十七条 省长或者副省长,省高级人民法院院长,省人民检察院检察长,省人民政府所属有关部门的主要负责人,列席常务委员会会议。
第二十八条 常务委员会举行会议时,可以由州、市和部分县的人民代表大会常务委员会各派主任或者副主任一人列席会议。
第二十九条 省人民政府、省高级人民法院、省人民检察院、常务委员会各委员会,可以向常务委员会提出属于常务委员会职权范围内的议案,由主任会议决定提请常务委员会会议审议,或者交有关的工作委员会研究、提出报告,再提请常务委员会会议审议。
第三十条 三名以上的常务委员会组成人员可以向常务委员会提出属于常务委员会职权范围内的议案,由主任会议决定是否提请常务委员会会议审议,或者交有关的工作委员会研究、提出报告,再决定是否提请常务委员会会议审议。
第三十一条 常务委员会在省人民代表大会闭会期间,可以补选个别出缺的全国人民代表大会代表;可以撤换个别全国人民代表大会代表。
第三十二条 常务委员会会议的决议、决定,以常务委员会全体组成人员的过半数通过。
第三十三条 常务委员会组成人员在常务委员会会议上提出的建议、意见,由常务委员会办事机构交有关部门研究处理。重要建议、意见的处理结果,有关部门须向常务委员会主任会议汇报。
第三十四条 常务委员会主任、副主任组成主任会议。有关的委员、秘书长、副秘书长、常务委员会各工作委员会负责人,可以列席主任会议。
第三十五条 常务委员会主任会议处理常务委员会重要日常工作:
第三十六条 常务委员会设立代表资格审查委员会。
第三十七条 常务委员会设立办公厅,在秘书长领导下工作。
第三十八条 常务委员会设立政治法律委员会、民族委员会、财政经济委员会、教育科学文化卫生委员会和其他需要设立的工作委员会。
第三十九条 常务委员会各工作委员会的职责如下:
第四十条 常务委员会在各地区设立联络处。联络处主任、副主任由主任会议提请常务委员会任免。

第四章 省人民代表大会代表
第四十一条 省人民代表大会代表应当遵守、宣传宪法和法律、法令、法规,了解法律、法令、法规和政策的执行情况,并且在自己参加的生产、工作和社会活动中,协助政府推行工作。
第四十二条 省人民代表大会代表应当同原选举单位和人民保持密切联系,可以列席原选举单位的人民代表大会会议。

第四十三条 省人民代表大会代表应当向省人民代表大会和常务委员会、省人民政府反映群众的意见和要求。
第四十四条 省人民代表大会代表在省人民代表大会会议举行以前,应当对大会将要讨论的主要事项进行视察或者调查研究,准备意见。
第四十五条 省人民代表大会代表应当参加常务委员会组织的视察活动和其他活动。

第五章 附 则
第四十六条 本简则经省人民代表大会会议通过后生效。



The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress


(Adopted at the Tenth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the
Seventh National People's Congress on October 31, 1989, promulgated by
Order No. 20 of the President of the People's Republic of China on October
31, 1989 and effective as of the same date)

Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Application and Permission for Assemblies, Processions and
Chapter III The Holding of Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations
Chapter IV Legal Responsibility
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions

Chapter I General Provisions
Article 1
Pursuant to the Constitution, this Law is enacted to safeguard citizens'
exercise of their right to assembly, procession and demonstration
according to law and to maintain social stability and public order.
Article 2
This Law shall apply to assemblies, processions and demonstrations held
within the territory of the People's Republic of China.
The term "assembly" used in this Law means an activity in which people
gather at a public place in the open air to express views or aspirations.
The term "procession" used in this Law means an activity in which people
line up for a march along a public road or across a public place in the
open air to express their common aspirations.
The term "demonstration" used in this Law means an activity in which
people express their common aspirations, including demands, protests,
support or moral support, in the manner of an assembly, a procession, a
sit-in, etc., at a public place in the open air or along a public road.
This Law shall not apply to recreational or sports activities, normal
religious activities or traditional folk events.
Article 3
The citizens' exercise of their right to assembly, procession and
demonstration shall be safeguarded by the people's governments at all
levels in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
Article 4
In exercising their right to assembly, procession and demonstration,
citizens must abide by the Constitution and the laws, shall not oppose the
cardinal principles specified in the Constitution and shall not impair
state, public or collective interests or the lawful freedoms and rights of
other citizens.
Article 5
An assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be held in a peaceful
manner; no weapons, controlled cutting tools or explosives shall be
carried, and no violence employed.
Article 6
The competent authorities governing assemblies, processions and
demonstrations shall be the municipal public security bureau, county
security bureau or municipal public security sub-bureau in the localities
where the assemblies, processions and demonstrations are held; if the
route of a procession or demonstration cuts through two or more districts
or counties, the competent authorities thereof shall be the public
security organ at the next higher level to the public security organs in
such districts or counties.

Chapter II Application and Permission for Assemblies, Processions and Demonstrations
Article 7
For the holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration,
application must be made to and permission obtained from the competent
authorities in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
It shall not be necessary to apply for the following activities:
(1) celebrations or commemorative activities held by the state or by state
decisions; and
(2) assemblies held by state organs, political parties, public
organizations, enterprises or institutions in accordance with law or the
relevant articles of association.
Article 8
There must be a person or persons responsible for the holding of an
assembly, a procession or a demonstration.
For the holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration for which
an application has to be made under this Law, the responsible person(s)
must submit an application in writing to the competent authorities five
days prior to the date of the activity. The application shall specify the
purposes of the assembly, procession or demonstration, how it is going to
be conducted, the posters and slogans to be used, the number of
participants, the number of vehicles, the specifications and quantities of
the sound facilities to be used, the starting and finishing time, the
places (including places where the participants assemble and disperse),
the route, and the name(s), occupation(s) and address(es) of the person(s)
responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration.
Article 9
After receiving an application for an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration, the competent authorities shall inform the responsible
person(s) in writing of their decision to grant or not to grant permission
two days prior to the date of the activity applied for. If no permission
is granted, the reasons thereof shall be given. Failure to serve notice
within the time limit shall be construed as the granting of permission.
If an assembly, a procession or a demonstration is truly necessitated by
unexpected occurrences, a report must be made immediately to the competent
authorities: upon receiving the report, the competent authorities shall
immediately examine it and decide to grant or not to grant permission.
Article 10
If an application is made for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
which will press for the settlement of specific issues, the competent
authorities may, after receiving the application, inform the departments
or units concerned to resolve such issues through consultation with the
person(s) responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration, and
may also postpone for five days the starting date specified in the
Article 11
If the competent authorities are of the opinion that the holding of an
assembly, a procession or a demonstration at the time or place or along
the route specified in the application will seriously affect traffic and
public order, they may, upon or after granting permission, change the
time, place or route and inform the responsible person(s) of the change in
good time.
Article 12
No permission shall be granted for an application for an assembly, a
procession or a demonstration which involves one of the following
(1) opposition to the cardinal principles specified in the Constitution;
(2) harming the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state;
(3) instigation of division among the nationalities; or
(4) the belief, based on sufficient evidence, that the holding of the
assembly, procession or demonstration that is being applied for will
directly endanger public security or seriously undermine public order.
Article 13
If the person(s) responsible for an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration does not accept the competent authorities' decision not to
grant permission, he may apply to the people's government at the same
level for reconsideration within three days of receiving the notice on the
decision, and the people's government shall make a decision within three
days of receiving the application for reconsideration.
Article 14
The person(s) responsible for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
may withdraw his application after submitting it and before receiving a
notice of the competent authorities; if a decision is made to call off the
assembly, procession or demonstration after receipt of the competent
authorities' notice on the granting of permission, the responsible
person(s) concerned shall inform the competent authorities of the decision
in good time and dismiss the participants if they have assembled.
Article 15
No citizens shall, in a city other than his place of residence, start,
organize or participate in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration of
local citizens.
Article 16
No functionary of a state organ shall organize or participate in an
assembly, a procession or a demonstration which contravenes the functions
and obligations of functionaries of state organs as prescribed in relevant
laws and regulations.
Article 17
If anyone organizes or participates in an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration in the name of a state organ, a public organization, an
enterprise or an institution, he must first obtain approval from its

Chapter III The Holding of Assemblies, Processions and Demonstra- tions
Article 18
With respect to an assembly, a procession or a demonstration held in
compliance with law, the competent authorities shall dispatch the people's
police to keep traffic and public order and ensure the smooth progress of
the assembly, procession or demonstration.
Article 19
An assembly, a procession or a demonstration held in compliance with law
shall not be disturbed, broken into or disrupted by anybody by violence,
coercion or any other illegal means.
Article 20
In order to ensure the progress of a procession held in compliance with
law, the people's police responsible for keeping traffic order may
temporarily exercise flexibility in their execution of the relevant
provisions of traffic regulations.
Article 21
If it becomes impossible for a procession to follow the permitted route
because of unexpected circumstances occurring on the way, the chief police
officer present at the scene shall have the authority to change the route
of the procession.
Article 22
If an assembly, a procession or a demonstration is held in or passes by
places where state organs, military organs, radio stations, television
stations or foreign embassies or consulates are located, the competent
authorities may, with a view to keeping order, establish temporary
security lines, which shall not be crossed without permission by the
people's police.
Article 23
No assembly, procession or demonstration shall be held within a peripheral
distance of 10-300 metres from the following places, with the exception of
those approved by the State Council or the people's governments of
provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the
Central Government:
(1) premises of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,
the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the Supreme People's
Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate;
(2) places where state guests are staying;
(3) important military installations; and
(4) air harbours, railway stations and ports.
The specific peripheral distances from the places listed in the preceding
paragraph shall be defined by the people's governments of provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Article 24
The time for holding an assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be
limited to 6 a.m. - 10 p.m., with the exception of those held by decision
or approval of the local people's governments.
Article 25
An assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be conducted in
accordance with the purposes, manners, posters, slogans, starting and
finishing time, places, routes and other matters for which permission has
been granted.
The person(s) responsible for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
must assume responsibility for maintaining the order thereof and strictly
guard against participation by others.
The person(s) responsible for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
shall, when necessary, appoint special personnel to assist the people's
police in maintaining order. The personnel responsible for the
maintenance of order shall wear identification marks.
Article 26
The holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall not
contravene the regulations on public security administration and shall not
involve criminal activities or the instigation of crimes.
Article 27
The people's police shall stop an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration that is being held, if it involves one of the following
(1) failure to make an application in accordance with the provisions of
this Law or to obtain permission for the application;
(2) failure to act in accordance with the purposes, manners, posters,
slogans, starting and finishing time, places and routes permitted by the
competent authorities; or (3) the emergence, in the course of the
activity, of a situation which endangers public security or seriously
undermines public order.
If any of the circumstances specified in the preceding paragraph occurs
and the instruction to stop the activity is ignored, the chief officer of
the people's police present at the scene shall have the authority to order
a dismission; for those who refuse to dismiss, the chief police officer
present at the scene shall have the authority to decide, in accordance
with relevant state provisions, on the adoption of necessary measures to
force a dismission and to take away from the scene by force those who
refuse to obey or detain them at once.
If a participant in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration crosses
the temporary security lines established in accordance with the provisions
of Article 22 of this Law, enters a certain peripheral space around the
specific places where no assemblies, processions and demonstrations shall
be held as specified in Article 23 of this Law, or commits other illegal
or criminal acts, the people's police may take him away from the scene by
force or detain him at once.

Chapter IV Legal Responsibility
Article 28
Those who commit acts in violation of public security administration in
the process of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration shall be
punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on
Administrative Penalties for Public Security. The public security organ
may punish by warning or by criminal detention of not more than 15 days
the responsible person(s) and the person(s) who is directly responsible,
if an assembly, a procession or a demonstration that is being held
involves one of the following circumstances:
(1) failure to make an application in accordance with the provisions of
this Law or to obtain permission for the application; or
(2) failure to act in accordance with the purposes, manners, posters,
slogans, starting and finishing time, places, and routes permitted by the
competent authorities, and disregard of instructions to stop acting
without permission.
Article 29
Any participant in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration who
commits a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.
Any participant in an assembly, a procession or a demonstration who
carries weapons, controlled cutting tools or explosives shall be
investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the
provisions of Article 163 of the Criminal Law. In a case where no
application has been made for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration
in accordance with the provisions of this Law or no permission has been
granted for the application or where it is conducted not in accordance
with the starting and finishing time, places and routes permitted by the
competent authorities, while the order of dismission is disobeyed and
public order seriously undermined, the person(s) responsible for the
assembly, procession or demonstration and the person(s) who is directly
responsible shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in
accordance with the provisions of Article 158 of the Criminal Law.
In a case where an assembly, a procession or a demonstration leads to the
siege of a state organ or people breaking into it, preventing it from
conducting its business or state activities normally, the person(s)
responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration and the
person(s) who is directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal
responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 158 of the
Criminal Law.
In a case where an assembly, a procession or a demonstration leads to the
occupation of public places, the interception of vehicles or pedestrians
or the gathering of crowds to block traffic, so that order at public
places and traffic order are seriously undermined, the person(s)
responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration and the
person(s) who is directly responsible shall be investigated for criminal
responsibility in accordance with the provisions of Article 159 of the
Criminal Law.
Article 30
Those who disturb, break into or undermine by other means an assembly, a
procession or a demonstration held in compliance with law may be punished
by the public security organ by warning or by criminal detention of not
more than 15 days; if the circumstances are serious and a crime is
constituted, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility in
accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.
Article 31
If a party refuses to accept the decision on punishment by detention made
in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 28 or
Article 30 of this Law, he may appeal to the public security organ at the
next higher level within five days of receiving the notice on the decision
on punishment; the public security organ at the next higher level shall
make a decision within five days of receiving the appeal; if the party
refuses to accept the decision of the public security organ at the next
higher level, he may institute proceedings in the people's court within
five days of receiving the notice on the decision.
Article 32
Anyone who, in the course of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration,
damages public or private property or causes injuries or deaths to others
shall be liable for compensation according to law, apart from being
punished in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law or
the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security.
Article 33
If a citizen, in a city other than his place of residence, starts or
organizes an assembly, a procession or a demonstration by local citizens,
the public security organ shall have the authority to detain him or send
him back by force to his place of residence.

Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
Article 34
This Law shall apply to assemblies, processions and demonstrations held by
foreigners within the territory of China.
Foreigners in the territory of China may not, without approval by the
competent authorities, participate in an assembly, a procession or a
demonstration held by Chinese citizens.
Article 35
The public security department under the State Council may, in accordance
with this Law, formulate rules of implementation, which shall go into
effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces,
autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Government may, in accordance with this Law, formulate measures for
Article 36
This Law shall enter into force on the date of promulgation.

Important Notice:
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.